Mailing/physical address: 2718 Gateway Ave, Ste #201, Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: 701-258-9249 or 1-800-349-6951
You can also reach us through the Contact/Request Assistance tab. Complete the form and someone from our office will contact you within two business days.
Executive Director - Eric Volk
Circuit Rider South - Jason Grzadzieleski
Circuit Rider North - Ward Heidbreder
Communication Specialist - Jackie Nye
Finance Director - Lisa Schatz
Project & Funding Specialist - Julie Hein
SRF Program Specialist - Chuck Mischel
Source Water Specialist - Rachel Takala
Wastewater Technical Advisor - Keith Hegney
Wastewater Technical Advisor - Daniel Overmoe
Wastewater Technical Advisor - Dean Hayes
Workforce Development/Apprenticeship Program Coordinator - Todd Seibel