North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association - Membership

Choose the type of membership.

If you are unsure which membership to select or whether dues have already been paid, please call our office at 701-258-9249 and ask for Lisa (Ext 202), Julie (Ext 205) or Jackie (Ext 206).

Please pay special attention to the instructions within the form. All items with an asterisk (*) are required.


Associate Member

  • Exhibit at ND’s largest water EXPO
  • Training Opportunities
  • Event Sponsorship
  • Membership Directory Listing with Link
  • Electronic Membership List

City Member

  • Leak/water loss detection
  • Curbstop & valve location
  • Hydrant repair & flow testing
  • Poly-pigging (water main cleaning)
  • Lagoon sludge testing
  • Meter testing & water audits
  • Consumer Confidence Reports
  • Water & wastewater troubleshooting from A-Z!

Use of our equipment!
Leak Correlator - Electric Valve Exerciser - Sewer Camera - Smoke Testing - Pressure - Data Logger - Valve Insertion Tool

Rural Water Member

In 1974 Rural Water Systems created NDRWSA to coordinate similar goals and dreams on a statewide basis. 45 years later, we stand as a leader on state and national water issues. This was accomplished by a strong commitment from our voting membership. We ask all rural and regional water systems to help us continue moving forward with our vision.

Individual Member

Be a part of a true grassroots association

  • protect the environment and public health
  • ensure Quality of Tap for ND citizens
  • promote economic development

Advocate for common sense legislation, affordable regulations, & sufficient funding. Enhance and promote ND’s water industry!