BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, hosted Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox and Acting-Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Jaime Pinkham in Bismarck for a Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) listening session. EPA will be holding ten virtual listening sessions as they work to craft a new WOTUS rule, this is the only in-person listening session.
Following the listening session and press conference, the senator and Assistant Administrator Fox toured a rural water supply plant and met with the North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association. They discussed drinking water and wastewater programs under EPA.
Visit Senator Cramer's New Release for more information.
Larry Kassian, Manager of South Central Regional Water District, Senator Hoeven, Senator Cramer, and EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox discuss the complex world of water treatment. Photo courtesy of Senator Cramer's Office.